Salpaus Further Education is one of the biggest vocational education providers in Finland. Our main area is to serve the Lahti region. Our training programmes include basic vocational qualifications as well as further and specialist qualifications for all ages. We also offer a versatile and high-quality nondegree-oriented training. We provide training for work life in various forms, supplementary skills education and immigrant integration training. We also offer tailor-made training, skill level mapping
and development services for business. The total number of learners is 15000. The number of staff is 611.
Salpaus Further Education is an educational institution with long term international goals. We have ongoing international connections in all fields of education. In Salpaus we understand that we need to have a motivated and enthusiastic workforce, who are willing to develop new solutions. This development requires an understanding of international cooperation as a source of new information and skills. In this era of global work, economy and an ever-digitalizing society, it is important to learn
basic international skills before entering work life. Salpaus Further Education provides all its students with the opportunity to learn these skills. We provide opportunities for student and staff to work and study abroad. We participate in many forms of international activity and skills competitions. We are involved in many international networks, in Europe and with other countries around the world